Fundraisers and Fulfillment:

What the Booster Club Does



The FTE Booster Club produces several events and ongoing initiatives. Here is a helpful glossary of Booster Club events and activities:



FTE Booster Club Fundraisers:

  • No-Hassle Fundraiser - an annual simple, straightforward fundraiser that replaces cookie sales, wrapping paper sales, and other types of fundraisers from the past
  • Parent Socials - parent-only social events hosted by fellow parents in your child’s grade level
  • Weekly Popcorn - parents can purchase a school year’s worth of popcorn snacks to be delivered to your child’s classroom on Thursdays
  • Auction - an annual event which blends a fun silent auction with dinner and entertainment
  • Community Partner Spirit Events and Affiliate Programs- opportunities to dine or shop at local and online establishments with a portion of proceeds benefitting FTE
  • Spirit Wear Sales - students and parents can purchase spirit t-shirts and other FTE merchandise with a percentage of revenue going back to FTE
  • School Store - open before school and during lunch

Fulfillments Funded by the FTE Booster Club:

  • Curriculum support such as leveled reader sets
  • Supportive capital improvements such as water bottle filling stations and swing sets for the campus
  • Educational enhancements such as creating a learning space in our outdoor courtyard and the STEAM lab
  • Technology supplementation and replacements
  • STEAM Fest - a day of hands-on exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • Falcon Frolics - a morning celebrating field sports
  • Falcon Fest - afternoon of fun playing traditional carnival games
  • Family Movie Nights - great opportunities for families to enjoy a movie together at FTE



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